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Digital Marketing marketing strategy advice for a company


Hi all,

I'm a freelance marketer and am in communication with an art verification company to help them develop a marketing strategy. I'm looking for some guidance on how to move forward best.

The company needs me to reach out to and manage a vast list of contacts, from art galleries to attorneys and even insurance agencies. The total number is undisclosed, but the first two groups they want to reach out to are about 5,000 real people. They have a copywriting group making emails, but that group has only made 2, and I explained that I didn't think that was enough and they need at least seven touches through email to be remembered by their target audience.

I'm not quite sure how to price this project. As a freelance marketer, I want to be compensated fairly for my hard work. What's a fair rate to propose to the company for this project? I'm grateful for any suggestions, insights, or experiences you can share.
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  • Audience research, customer journey map capturing all touchpoints, illustrative sample executions, campaign positioning, creative brief, media brief, timeline, project management plan, KPIs, and forecasting.

